The Way to Happiness Foundation of Tampa Bay Does an Early “Spring Cleaning” of Local Neighborhoods
The Way to Happiness Foundation of Tampa Bay, in downtown Clearwater, Florida, holds a monthly neighborhood cleanup. Anyone wishing to join the team is invited to contact the Foundation.
As they do each month, a team of volunteers based their February neighborhood cleanup on the common-sense guide to better living known as The Way to Happiness. The cleanup promotes at least four of the booklet’s 21 precepts: By treating others as they would want to be treated and setting a good example, they are industrious about caring for the environment.
“We are proud of our community,” says one of the volunteers, “and we want it to look its best for residents and visitors, especially with spring break just around the corner.”
Working as a team, in just a few hours they make a big difference. And it not only benefits the whole community, it’s also a lot of fun. They encourage everyone to organize cleanups of their local neighborhoods.
In one of the booklet’s precepts, “Safeguard and Improve Your Environment,” L. Ron Hubbard wrote, “The idea that one has a share in the planet and that one can and should help care for it may seem very large and, to some, quite beyond reality. But today what happens on the other side of the world, even so far away, can effect what happens in your own home.”
“Care of the planet begins in one’s own front yard. It extends through the area one travels to get to school or work. It covers such places as where one picnics or goes on vacation. The litter which messes up the terrain and water supply, the dead brush which invites fire, these are things one need not contribute to and which, in otherwise idle moments, one can do something about.”

“This book is written in a simple style but the points it makes are ones everyone would agree with and profoundly affected me,” commented one person on reading The Way to Happiness. “Made me think about how you are not only responsible for yourself, but also ensuring those around you act responsibly since they affect you as well,” wrote another. “What an interesting book. I do feel after reading it like I know a lot more about life,” was yet another response.
L. Ron Hubbard wrote The Way to Happiness: A Common Sense Guide to Better Living to restore fundamental morals and values. Entirely nonreligious, its 21 precepts may be used by anyone regardless of race, culture or creed to foster kindness, honesty and the basic skills of living.
A free online E-course covering each of the 21 precepts is available through The Way to Happiness website, which includes the text of the book, the feature-length The Way to Happiness book-on-film and 21 public service announcements illustrating each of the book’s precepts.
The Foundation’s Tampa Bay headquarters was dedicated in 2015 by Scientology ecclesiastical leader Mr. David Miscavige as part of an initiative to bring the full breadth of Scientology-sponsored humanitarian campaigns and social betterment programs to Clearwater, the city that hosts the spiritual headquarters of the Church of Scientology.
The Scientology religion was founded by author and philosopher L. Ron Hubbard. The first Church of Scientology was formed in Los Angeles in 1954 and the religion has expanded to more than 11,000 Churches, Missions and affiliated groups, with millions of members in 167 countries.
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