Scientology helps Lea Wilson accomplish her goals in life.
Growing up, Lea Wilson knew what she wanted. And that’s exactly what she got. But life wasn’t always as straightforward or satisfying as it is today.
“What was really important to me was getting married and raising a family, but my attempts to find the right guy weren’t working,” says Wilson.
She had just ended a terrible relationship when her brother called her one day and asked how it was going.
“I burst into tears. It was horrible,” she says.
For Mei-Hui Huang of Ji’an Township, Taiwan, Dianetics and Scientology opened new vistas and improved the quality of her life. Her video is one of more than 200 “Meet a Scientologist” videos available on the Scientology website at
The secret behind Scientologist Todd Wilson’s smile.
Scientologist Todd Wilson never learned that life has to be serious. Maybe that’s why he always has such a good time.
“What I look forward to most in life is playing,” he says.
In fact, for Wilson, 47, there is hardly anything in his life that he doesn’t enjoy. He loves his wife, his three children, sports, volunteering and work.
Through Scientology, what was once a liability to Colleen May has proved to be one of her greatest assets.
Colleen May has never been satisfied with a pat answer. She remembers trying the patience of teachers and other grown-ups who demanded she take their word for things. She always insisted on knowing more.
So it came as a surprise to her, when introduced to Scientology by her fiancé Shawn in 2003, to discover that no one objected to her “attitude.”
The City of Pasadena and the Pasadena Commission for Human Relations presented the “Models of Unity” award to Scientologist Tim Bowles and Youth for Human Rights International in council chambers January 30, “In recognition of a group that fosters collaboration in the areas of programs and resources while connecting individuals among the diverse community of Pasadena.”
Scientologist Meghan Panek proves the point that good things come in small packages.
Meghan Panek is a 4-foot-9-inch ball of energy whose favorite activity is—work.
Having found the answers she was looking for, Scientologist Phyllis Hargrow now helps others sort out their own lives.
Before finding Scientology, Phyllis Hargrow knew exactly what the problem was—it was the other guy. How things have changed.
Scientologist, singer and songwriter Dustin McGahee uses music to teach human rights.
Dustin McGahee, 21, combines a love of music with a passion for human rights. A singer and songwriter, McGahee uses his music to educate youth on the 30 articles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), the little-known document adopted by the United Nations in 1948.
“At 18, I began to realize there was more to life than just me, my friends, my family—I was living in a ‘bubble’,” says McGahee.
For the past 10 years, Scientologist Judy Fagerman has been coordinating the Scientology Volunteer Ministers of Tampa Bay, Florida. This is her story.
Scientologist Monroe Kleiderman has been using Scientology to help others for more than three decades.
Traditional values and a strong sense of duty set the direction of Monroe Kleiderman’s life.
“I grew up in New York watching John Wayne take on the bad guys on TV,” he says. “It was important to me to help my country. From a young age, people were my priority. I wanted to take responsibility for others.”
California’s capital celebrated the grand opening of the new Church of Scientology of Sacramento on Saturday, January 28. The dedication ceremony was attended by more than 2,500 Scientologists, guests and city, state and national officials.
The Church of Scientology & Celebrity Centre Nashville opens its new industry seminar series this weekend, with Tony Harnell presenting an inside look into lasting success in entertainment. The seminar will take place January 28 at the Church—1130 8th Avenue South.
Community and religious leaders gathered at the Church of Scientology Community Center at 81st and Vermont in South L.A. January 21 to pay tribute to Rev. Martin Luther King and commemorate the 20th anniversary of the World Literacy Crusade.
Held in the Community Center’s L. Ron Hubbard Auditorium, the event, which included live performances by local youth and recitations and videos of the speeches of Dr. King, focused on the future—bringing about the dream Dr. King envisioned through handling the underlying causes of social ills.
This year, thousands who came to the Manatee County Fair for the food and the fun came home with something more—practical solutions to brighten their days year-round, thanks to the Tampa Bay Scientology Volunteer Ministers.
The fair was an unqualified success with more than 50 rides in the midway, a petting zoo and pig races, Cajun catfish, Texas barbecue and fried pastries—and a bright yellow Volunteer Ministers tent.
On January 21, 2012, the Church of Scientology of Hamburg newly opened its doors to the city in a dedication ceremony attended by 1,500 Scientologists, guests and dignitaries. The grand opening marked the culmination of a transformation of the seven-story Church into an Ideal Church of Scientology (Ideal Org) to better meet the needs of Hamburg’s growing Scientology congregation and the community at large.
In honor of Martin Luther King Jr. and his legacy, Church of Scientology of Inglewood marched on Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard in Los Angeles in observation of Martin Luther King Day of Service 2012.
Before Scientology, Paris Morfopoulos would not have given odds on his reaching 30. Now 58, he counts himself one of the luckiest men alive.
Growing up in a rough-and-tumble mining town in Northern Canada, Paris Morfopoulos learned to rely on himself, his wits—and alcohol.
He gained the ability to talk his way out of a tough spot, defending himself only when he had to.
Scientologists bring The Way to Happiness Campaign to Nashville, Tennessee.
Staff and parishioners of the Nashville Church of Scientology kicked off the New Year by launching a campaign for better living centered around The Way to Happiness, a nonreligious moral code that is based wholly on common sense. Nashville Church President Rev. Brian Fesler announced plans to distribute copies of the book in neighborhoods throughout the community.
Scientologist Patrick Valtin combined determination with a firm understanding of the works of L. Ron Hubbard to make a success of his own life and help others.
A name synonymous with business solutions, Scientologist Patrick Valtin has built a highly successful career by providing clients with the tools to make their work…work.
The Church of Scientology reached out to the more than 2 billion Internet users in 2011 with ads, video, online training, iPad apps and Scientology-sponsored interactive humanitarian campaigns.
In 2011, the Church of Scientology reached out to the more than 2 billion Internet users—one-fifth of the world’s population—with a virtual explosion of information on the Scientology religion and Scientology-sponsored humanitarian campaigns.