The Church of Scientology, Uplifting, Inspiring and Changing the World
A new interactive timeline on the Scientology website provides a glimpse into why so many people count on the Church of Scientology for help in Los Angeles and around the world.
From the 101 to Sunset Boulevard and all over the Southland, Los Angeles Scientology Churches serve as hubs for religious organizations, like-minded groups and community leaders.

Watch a series of videos on the Scientology website and learn how L.A. Scientology Churches welcome all cultures, all religions, and work with the community to create a positive impact, with neighborhood events, holiday celebrations and charity fundraisers attended by more than 50,000 in the past year alone. Learn how:
- Scientology volunteers have organized weekly food drives distributing 258,000 pounds of food to help more than 17,000 families over the past 16 months.
- At the height of the pandemic, Scientologists distributed 380,435 How to Stay Well booklets door-to-door to neighbors and essential businesses for their customers.
- They supported those on the front lines, sanitizing 1,378 police vehicles and 82 police stations throughout the region so the police could stay well and continue to serve our communities.
Scientologists take responsibility for their neighborhoods:
- They bring the community together by organizing neighborhood cleanups.
- Scientology Volunteer Ministers provide support to firefighters and other emergency personnel. They have responded to every major disaster in Los Angeles and throughout California since 1989.
- Responding to another kind of disaster affecting L.A. families, Scientologists provide drug education to tackle drug abuse, addiction and overdose deaths in our schools and neighborhoods. They have organized and held some 1,200 drug education seminars reaching more than 5 million people in and around Los Angeles with the truth about drugs.
- Scientologists work to reduce crime and gang violence by organizing Peace Rides that promote the common-sense values of The Way to Happiness, the nonreligious moral code written by humanitarian and Scientology Founder L. Ron Hubbard.
Hear what community and religious leaders have to say about Scientology. Hear from neighbors and local nonprofits about why they count on the Church to support their activities. And learn how the work of L.A. Scientology Churches betters the lives of people throughout the Southland.
Visit the Scientology website and see why so many Angelenos count on the L.A. Churches of Scientology and the Scientologists to help make life better in the City of Dreams.
The Scientology religion was founded by author and philosopher L. Ron Hubbard. The first Church of Scientology was formed in Los Angeles in 1954 and the religion has expanded to more than 11,000 Churches, Missions and affiliated groups, with millions of members in 167 countries.
Church of Scientology Media Relations
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(323) 960-3508 fax