Sydney Scientologists Promote Happiness
Volunteers from the Church of Scientology of Sydney spent International Happiness Day sharing a book that may very well contain the “secret” of happiness.

Volunteers from the Church of Scientology of Sydney spent the first International Day of Happiness providing neighbors with The Way to Happiness—a simple gift to guarantee their happiness year-round.
In July 2012, the United Nations General Assembly proclaimed March 20 as International Happiness Day, “…recognizing the relevance of happiness and well-being as universal goals and aspirations in people’s lives around the world….” But is happiness something that can truly be “proclaimed?” Is there some guideline, some system or secret that can guarantee that elusive state or quality of life?
The Scientology volunteers say “yes” and that the secret is contained in the 21 precepts of The Way to Happiness.
Author, humanitarian and Scientology Founder L. Ron Hubbard authored The Way to Happiness to provide a road map any individual may follow to make choices leading to a happier, more decent and fulfilling life. Because it is entirely nonreligious, this common sense moral code may be embraced by anyone of any race, culture or creed.
The book begins with an explanation of how and why it works: “The happiness or unhappiness of others you could name is important to you. Without too much trouble, using this book, you can help them survive and lead happier lives. While no one can guarantee that anyone else can be happy, their chances of survival and happiness can be improved. And with theirs, yours will be. It is in your power to point the way to a less dangerous and happier life.”
Commenting on the book, a senior Australia law enforcement official said, “I would be out of a job, quite happily, if we used The Way To Happiness program everywhere. If people had respect for each other, they wouldn’t be doing bag snatches. There would be no assaults or domestic violence. There would be no theft. There would be no crime, really, if everybody stuck to the rules of The Way To Happiness.”
Immensely popular since its first publication in 1981, more than 100 million copies have since been distributed in 205 countries and territories, providing a moral compass for all to live by.
The Church of Scientology and its members are proud to share the tools for happier living contained in The Way to Happiness with all who also have the goal of a better world.
Scientology: How We Help—The Way to Happiness, Creating a World of Honesty, Trust & Self-Respect is one of a series of brochures presented by the Church of Scientology International to meet requests for more information about the Scientology religion and its support of global humanitarian initiatives and social betterment programs. For more information, visit