Shocking Stories Confirm the Need for Drug Prevention
Drug-Free Marathon completes its travel across Hungary, even more determined to reach youth with the truth about drugs.
Children turned into drug runners, substances created from rat poison—these were only two of the stories the Drug-Free Marathon athletes heard from youngsters they spoke to on this year’s 42-day journey through Hungary.
For 17 years, the Drug-Free Hungary Marathon has circled the country to reach at-risk youth with the truth about drugs. Once again, they launched from Budapest in April this year, reaching some 262,000 young people and adults with their drug-free message.
On their 42-day, 2,100-km run where they reached people in towns and cities across the entire length and breadth of the country, they had the opportunity to see firsthand the state of drug abuse and the urgent need for drug education and prevention.

“In our country, one of the most popular drugs is marijuana,” said the team spokesman, “but synthetic and designer drugs are constantly on the rise. These contain combinations of highly toxic agents. There are synthetic drugs that are manufactured from rat poison or gasoline. In addition to their toxicity, a number of these synthetic designer drugs are tremendously addictive.
“Agencies responsible for controlling these substances are virtually powerless to keep up with the rapidly changing do-it-yourself substances manufactured in kitchen labs. By analyzing and defining the ingredients and making minor changes, drug makers avoid blacklisting and police intervention by continually placing new drugs on the market.”
The marathoners were struck by the stories they heard, such as parents avoiding confrontations with the police by sending their young children off to procure drugs for them, knowing police won’t search a child for drugs.
“…drug use has become a kind of cult, pushed by movies and mass media that feature narcotics as part of the party scene.”
The goal of the Drug-Free Hungary Marathon is to make true data about the dangers of drugs easily accessible to the most vulnerable. “This is often not so easy,” said one of the runners, “because drug use has become a kind of cult, pushed by movies and mass media that feature narcotics as part of the party scene. This makes it harder to present a true picture of addictive drugs to young people.” That is why the Drug-Free Hungary marathoners use The Truth About Drugs materials in their lectures and personal conversations. “They make it simple for anyone to understand the subject,” he said.
The members of the Marathon for a Drug-Free Hungary appreciate the help of the 1,300 Hungarians who contributed to their movement, making it possible for them to carry it out for the 17th consecutive year. All drug education booklets, DVDs and banners used in 42 days of drug prevention rallies and workshops were provided free of charge by the Church of Scientology.
The Church of Scientology and its members support the Foundation for a Drug-Free World, a secular nonprofit corporation that empowers youth and adults with factual information about drugs so they can make informed decisions to live drug-free. The Foundation’s Truth About Drugs campaign is one of the world’s largest nongovernmental drug education and prevention initiatives. As shown on a program on the Scientology TV Network, this support makes it possible for the Foundation to provide drug education booklets, videos and educator guides free of charge to teachers, mentors and civic and community leaders.
The Scientology religion was founded by author and philosopher L. Ron Hubbard. The first Church of Scientology was formed in Los Angeles in 1954 and the religion has expanded to more than 11,000 Churches, Missions and affiliated groups, with millions of members in 167 countries.
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