Seattle Scientologists Help Local Nonprofits Brighten the Holidays With a Toy and Clothing Drive for Those in Need
Local families supported the Church of Scientology toy and clothing drive
Holiday decorations, cookies, hot chocolate, and Christmas music were a perfect backdrop for the annual clothing and toy drive at the Church of Scientology headquarters in Seattle. The community pulled together to help neighbors in need, donating more than 700 warm clothing items and toys to help support local nonprofits that serve Seattle’s homeless.

Church volunteers served hot chocolate, coffee, and festive cookies inside while Santa stayed outside, greeting one and all as they arrived with candy canes for youngsters and treats for their dogs.
For decades, Volunteer Ministers from the Church of Scientology in Seattle have helped address the needs of families experiencing food insecurity and homelessness by volunteering with local nonprofits and supporting them with food and clothing drives. This is particularly important in the winter when the weather impacts homeless individuals and families.
The Washington state homeless population is on the rise, according to a recent report by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.
“The number of Washingtonians who are unsheltered, in vehicles or in temporary shelter grew by 10% from 2020 to 2022, increasing by 2,288 people. Slightly more than 70% of that growth came from Seattle and King County, according to part one of HUD’s 2022 Annual Homelessness Assessment Report.”
“We appreciate our neighbors coming in during the holidays to support local nonprofits such as the Queen Anne Helpline, the Jean Kim Foundation Hygiene Center, and the Queen Anne Food Bank at Sacred Heart that address the homeless crisis,” said Ann Pearce, public affairs director for the Church. “Working together we make a difference in our community.”
In a lecture in 1958, Scientology Founder L. Ron Hubbard spoke of the philosophy that underlies the Volunteer Ministers program and so many other aspects of Scientology: “Scientology helps people to help one another. This is the message of all prophets in all ages. Help one another. It is a formula for life that cannot fail. It is the message of Scientology.”
The Church works extensively with other religions, nonprofits and officials on programs to uplift and benefit the community. For more information on the Church of Scientology Seattle, visit their website at
The Scientology religion was founded by author and philosopher L. Ron Hubbard. The first Church of Scientology was formed in Los Angeles in 1954 and the religion has expanded to more than 11,000 Churches, Missions and affiliated groups, with millions of members in 167 countries.
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