Scientology Volunteer Ministers Continental Cavalcade Reaches Out With Help at the Canadian National Exhibition

With the roar of supersonic jets signaling the launch of the annual exhibition, distinguished guests joined the Scientology Volunteer Ministers Canadian Continental Cavalcade in welcoming visitors to their bright yellow pavilion

The 75th anniversary of the Canadian Air Show at the Canadian National Exhibition was a perfect opportunity to showcase the humanitarian activities of the Scientology Volunteer Ministers. Scientology Founder L. Ron Hubbard, who developed the Volunteer Ministers program, was himself a pioneer at the dawn of American aviation, known as “Flash Hubbard” for his aerial achievements.

Distinguished Toastmaster and community activist Azhar Khan carried the metaphor forward by comparing the Volunteer Ministers program to the stunning aerial display: Just as these jets break the sound barrier, Volunteer Ministers break the barriers to a happy, successful life, he said.

Uche Okugo, founder and president of the Network of Nigerians in Canada and member of the Brampton Mayor’s Black Advisory Council, spoke of his partnership with the Volunteer Ministers. He explained that by using the tools of the Scientology Volunteer Ministers, he has been able to greatly expand his help to orient immigrants and assist them to succeed, often under difficult circumstances, in their new country.

“Life can be very challenging,” said Scientology Volunteer Ministers spokesperson Cyndie Clourie. “Many of us experience ups and downs as we navigate toward prosperity and happiness. But unlike the supersonic jet pilot, who is trained to perfection in his craft, we frequently find ourselves in the cockpit of life without a manual or map, trying to avoid the downdrafts and struggling to keep ourselves from heading into a nosedive. Scientology Volunteer Ministers provide tools for life that put you in control in the pilot’s seat.”

These life skills include the technology of study to help people learn skills so they can achieve their full potential. They help increase their ability to deal with turbulent circumstances. Using these tools, people can discover the underlying cause of quarrels and conflicts and resolve them. 

Visitors also learned of the disaster relief work done internationally by Scientology Volunteer Ministers. Guests were invited to attend seminars at the pavilion or to log onto the Volunteer Ministers website to enroll on free online Scientology Tools for Life courses.

Whether it’s helping a neighbor or friend with a personal or family difficulty or answering the call of a nation on the other side of the world after a tragic disaster, the motto of the Volunteer Minister is “Something Can Be Done About It.” 

The Scientology religion was founded by author and philosopher L. Ron Hubbard. The first Church of Scientology was formed in Los Angeles in 1954 and the religion has expanded to more than 11,000 Churches, Missions and affiliated groups, with millions of members in 167 countries.

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