Scientology Sponsors Drug Education to Save Youth from Meth and Other Harmful Drugs
In Czechia, the Czech Republic, the Say No to Drugs Team is determined to reach youth before the dealers do.
Czechia authorities estimate 6.5 metric tons of methamphetamine are produced annually in the country. So it is not too surprising that a recent study by the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA) of wastewater in 68 cities in 23 European countries found Czechia to be the European capital for crystal meth use.

Before and after photos of meth users show the devastating effects of the drug. It can age users decades in a single year.
Foundation for a Drug-Free World helps kids make the decision to live drug-free by providing youth-friendly factual information on the most commonly abused drugs. Rather than lecture youth about what they should or shouldn’t do, these volunteers give them the unvarnished truth, including these facts about meth consumption:
- Meth is highly addictive.
- Meth creates a false sense of happiness and well-being—a rush of confidence, hyperactivity and energy. Because of this, users develop a strong desire to continue using the drug.
- Meth burns up the body’s resources, creating a devastating dependence that can only be relieved by taking more of the drug.
- Crystal meth’s effect is concentrated, and many users report getting hooked from the first time they use it.
- The toxic ingredients in meth lead to severe tooth decay known as “meth mouth.” The teeth become black and stained. They often have to be pulled.
- From the start, methamphetamine begins to destroy the user’s life.
Volunteers bring their drug prevention campaign year-round to schools throughout the country. And each year, A team of dedicated drug prevention advocates cycles and runs through dozens of towns and cities on the annual Cyclo-Run for a Drug-Free Czech Republic, reaching thousands of children and teens with their drug-free message.
The UN Office on Drugs and Crime states: “Prevention strategies based on scientific evidence working with families, schools, and communities can ensure that children and youth, especially the most marginalized and poor, grow and stay healthy and safe into adulthood and old age. For every dollar spent on prevention, at least ten can be saved in future health, social and crime costs.” And the Office urges communities to “support drug abuse prevention based on scientific evidence as an investment in the wellbeing of children, adolescents, youth, families and communities.”
Noting the role substance abuse plays in the disintegration of the social fabric, Scientology Founder L. Ron Hubbard wrote, “Research has demonstrated that the single most destructive element present in our current culture is drugs.”
The Church of Scientology and Scientologists support the Truth About Drugs initiative of Foundation for a Drug-Free World and make its materials available free of charge to anyone wishing to take effective action in their communities, churches or schools.
For more information on the dedicated Drug-Free Czechia Cylo-Run Team, watch an episode of Voices for Humanity on the Scientology Network about Vlastimil Špalek, Cyclo-Run founder and chairman of Drug-Free World Czechia.
Since launching with a special episode featuring Scientology ecclesiastical leader Mr. David Miscavige, Scientology Network has been viewed in 240 countries and territories worldwide in 17 languages. Broadcast from Scientology Media Productions, the Church’s global media center in Los Angeles, the Scientology Network is available on DIRECTV Channel 320 and can be streamed at, on mobile apps and via the Roku, Amazon Fire and Apple TV platforms.
The Scientology religion was founded by author and philosopher L. Ron Hubbard. The first Church of Scientology was formed in Los Angeles in 1954 and the religion has expanded to more than 11,000 Churches, Missions and affiliated groups, with millions of members in 167 countries.
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