Church of Scientology of London Holds Human Rights Open House
An open house at the Church of Scientology of London presented an overview of the Church’s work in support of human rights. Civic and religious leaders and representatives of nongovernmental organizations were also introduced to the human rights education initiative the Church sponsors.

Tracey Colman, Public Affairs Director of the Church, briefed those attending on human rights issues in London, including statistics on human trafficking and child abuse.
The presentation including a showing of several Youth for Human Rights International public service announcements—compelling videos that convey the essence of each of the 30 articles of the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
Guests were invited to participate in the launch of “30 VOICES,” a music project of Youth for Human Rights London volunteer Dan Feel Roberts that is based on the 30 articles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
For more information on the human rights initiative sponsored by the Church of Scientology, visit
The Church of Scientology sponsors one of the largest nongovernmental information campaigns to make the Universal Declaration of Human Rights known the world over.
The Church’s human rights initiative sponsors groups and activities and provides its materials to individuals, groups and government agencies in over 180 nations.