Sardinia Scientologists Ride for Human Rights for All

Cycling for the rights of all, members of the Church of Scientology of Cagliari kick off a month of activities that will culminate on UN Human Rights Day December 10th, the 65th anniversary of the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Members of the Church of Scientology of Cagliari in Sardinia pedaled their bikes for human rights November 10, 2013, in an event organized by the Cagliari Friends of Cycling to kick off a month of activities leading up to December 10, the 65th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
Members of the Church of Scientology of Cagliari in Sardinia pedaled their bikes for human rights November 10, 2013, in an event organized by the Cagliari Friends of Cycling to kick off a month of activities leading up to December 10, the 65th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
Members of the Church of Scientology of Cagliari in… I agree to Terms of Use for image use. © 2025 Church of Scientology International. All Rights Reserved.

Members of the Church of Scientology of Cagliari in Sardinia pedaled their bikes for human rights November 10, 2013 in an event organized by the Cagliari Friends of Cycling to kick off a month of activities leading up to December 10, the 65th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. This event marked the beginning of an entire month of human rights activities that will culminate on UN Human Rights Day.

The message of the ride was “equality and equal rights for all,” and dozens of cyclists distributed more than 400 copies of the booklet The Story of Human Rights published by United for Human Rights, a human rights initiative supported by the Church of Scientology.

Scientologists on five continents engage in collaborative efforts with government agencies and nongovernmental organizations to bring about broad-scale awareness and implementation of the 1948 United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the world’s premier human rights document.

The Church of Scientology has published a brochure, Scientology: How We Help—United for Human Rights, Making Human Rights a Global Reality, to meet requests for more information about the human rights education and awareness initiative the Church supports. To learn more, visit

Scientology Founder L. Ron Hubbard wrote, “Human rights must be made a fact, not an idealistic dream,” and the Scientology religion is based on the principles of human rights. The Code of a Scientologist calls on all members of the religion to dedicate themselves “to support true humanitarian endeavors in the fields of human rights.”