Meet a Scientologist
Scientologist Monroe Kleiderman has been using Scientology to help others for more than three decades.
Traditional values and a strong sense of duty set the direction of Monroe Kleiderman’s life.
“I grew up in New York watching John Wayne take on the bad guys on TV,” he says. “It was important to me to help my country. From a young age, people were my priority. I wanted to take responsibility for others.”
Before Scientology, Paris Morfopoulos would not have given odds on his reaching 30. Now 58, he counts himself one of the luckiest men alive.
Growing up in a rough-and-tumble mining town in Northern Canada, Paris Morfopoulos learned to rely on himself, his wits—and alcohol.
He gained the ability to talk his way out of a tough spot, defending himself only when he had to.
Scientologist Patrick Valtin combined determination with a firm understanding of the works of L. Ron Hubbard to make a success of his own life and help others.
A name synonymous with business solutions, Scientologist Patrick Valtin has built a highly successful career by providing clients with the tools to make their work…work.
In a video featured on the Scientology Video channel, Peter Hayward credits L. Ron Hubbard administrative technology with the success of his safari operation.
Scientologist Peter Hayward, founder of Hayward’s Grand Safari Events & Expeditions, is passionate about preserving the natural resources and culture of his native Africa. His five-star luxury safaris inspire global government and business leaders and celebrities to champion sustainability.
Frances Clark was 50 in 1973 when she first encountered Scientology. Nearly 40 years later, at 88, she is still going strong.
Growing up in South Carolina during the Great Depression, Frances Clark had already graduated from high school and begun training as a nurse when Japan bombed Pearl Harbor. With war declared, her once-sleepy Southern town was suddenly teeming with soldiers. They came from all over the country and all walks of life, and they were ready for action.
Scientology Volunteer Minister, LPN and EMT Ayal Lindeman earned the 2011 Freedom Medal through his exemplary service to mankind.
At the 27th anniversary of the International Association of Scientologists in October 2011, Ayal Lindeman was awarded the IAS Freedom Medal for his humanitarian work as a Scientology Volunteer Minister.
At 16, Scientologist Lynda Allender had to make an important choice. The past 36 years have proved she chose well.
November is Prematurity Awareness Month. Scientologist Cindy Gainsforth knew nothing about the issue until she had to live with the consequences herself, following the premature birth of her son Orion in 2009.
Scientologist Cindy Gainsforth learned about the problems of premature birth the hard way.
“It was Saturday, September 5, 2009, at 6:05 p.m.,” she recalls. “When my water broke, I was 35 1/2 weeks along. My hospital bags were not even packed—nothing was prepared.”
A Scientologist since 1973, Patricia Harris says Scientology transformed her life. Harris wants to share what she has gained with the Inglewood community and South Los Angeles.
With the opening of the Church of Scientology in Inglewood set for November 2011, and the Church’s Scientology Community Center in South Los Angeles opening the same day, Patricia Harris, new Public Affairs Director for the Inglewood Church, says she has never had so much fun working so hard. For Harris, this is a labor of love.
Realizing that incarceration does little to really help the community or the individual, Verlene Cheeseboro looked for positive solutions. She found them in Scientology.
Verlene Cheeseboro believes in the future, and the future is our children. But she knows belief is not enough. It takes effective education and the community working together to guarantee their success.
Recently returned home from Geneva where he addressed United Nations representatives, dignitaries, human rights activists, nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) and youth delegates from 30 countries, Scientologist Niki Lanik takes human rights seriously.
Niki Lanik is a speed freak—not the kind who gets his kicks from pills—the kind who revels in racing cars.
“The adrenalin that you get is huge,” he says.
In the wake of the March 2011 earthquake and tsunami, Volunteer Ministers from six continents traveled to Japan to help in the shelters and villages. Scientologist Koji Minami coordinated their actions. He is featured in honor of Scientology Volunteer Ministers week August 20-27, 2011.
The 9.0 magnitude earthquake that struck Japan March 11, 2011, killed more than 15,000, displaced 300,000, injured nearly 6,000, and caused hundreds of billions of dollars in damage, creating so much impact it shifted the Earth on its axis by nearly 4 inches.
Australian Scientologist Peter Dunn has served as a Scientology Volunteer Minister in Haiti, Queensland, and Japan.
At 4 a.m. on March 11, 2011, the shock wave from the magnitude 9 earthquake that triggered a 30-foot tsunami off the northeast coast of Japan reached Australia—not as a physical blast but rather as a summons for Scientologist Peter Dunn to return to Japan and help in her time of need.
Agneta Ståhl measures her success by how well those around her are doing—particularly her family. Her video is one of more that 200 “Meet a Scientologist” videos on
Being the best possible mother was always top priority for Agneta Ståhl.
Writer Sabrina Ochoa is well on her way to accomplishing her career and personal goals. Her video is one of more than 200 “Meet a Scientologist” videos at
What makes Sabrina Ochoa so successful? Confidence, security and certainty.
In her “Meet a Scientologist” video on, Scientologist Sabrina Ochoa says these are the words that define the difference in her life before and since studying Scientology.
Danish photographer Thorsten Overgaard has made an art form of doing exactly what he wants, wherever in the world he wants to do it.
Imagine traveling the world, photographing celebrities, royalty, and rock stars, for magazines, Getty Images and Associated Press. That’s “work” for Danish photographer Thorsten Overgaard who has made an art form out of doing exactly what he wants to do.
While traveling, he holds seminars for amateur photographers anywhere his services are requested.
Tanzania has announced its commitment to eliminating the spread of blood-borne disease from syringe reuse, thanks to the work of Safepoint Trust founder and Scientologist Marc Koska.
In June 2011, Dr. Lucy Nkya, Deputy Minister for Health and Social Welfare of Tanzania, announced her country’s commitment to make un-safe injections a thing of the past.
Scientology helped school principal Sunny Yu of Taichung, Taiwan, find new pleasure and satisfaction in her work.
In her “Meet a Scientologist” video on, school principal Sunny Yu of Taichung, Taiwan, is clearly in her element—relaxed, happy and in excellent rapport with teachers and pupils. But she viewed life very differently not so long ago.
Tommy Hung couldn’t shake the despair he felt from a romance that ended badly. Then Dianetics helped him understand why and freed him from the emotional burden.
At 23, Tommy (Min-Chao) Hung of Kaohsiung, Taiwan, knew he should be happy—after all, he had a great career and future ahead of him. But the truth was he was miserable and he saw no way out.
Nonagenarian Bernard Duffy can look back on more than five decades as a Scientologist.