Meet a Scientologist
Scientologist Julie Forney Brinker has been making a difference in people’s lives through community service for most of her life.
Julie Brinker, née Forney, is carrying forward a family tradition of service. And she is having the time of her life.
Now 21, Julie was only 4 when she first insisted that her mother, Ellen Maher-Forney, President of the Church of Scientology of St. Louis, Missouri, swear her in as a Drug-Free Marshal. That way, she could help other kids pledge to live drug-free lives.
If all the world’s a stage, Joanie Sigal delivers a stellar performance in every role she plays.
An actress/singer, businesswoman and community activist, Joanie Sigal puts Scientology to use in every facet of her life.
Sigal was in college when she first heard about Scientology.
“I was a drama major at the University of Hawaii,” she says. “I was also taking a class in religion, and one day a Scientologist presented a talk about the fundamentals of Scientology. What struck me was the emphasis placed on communication.”
Tiffany Condon York feels it was her background in Scientology that made it easy to make things work for her in life.
At 28, Tiffany York née Condon is happy in her work, in her marriage—in life. But when she was diagnosed with viral encephalitis at age 15, the odds were slim that she would live to see this happen.
“I had been in a coma in the hospital for 2 1/2 days,” she says. “The doctors were worried that if I ever woke up I would be badly brain damaged and unable to function.”
Through Scientology, Patience Freeman found the key to accomplishing her purpose—to help the children of her native Ghana and all of Western Africa. Her profile is one of 200 “Meet a Scientologist” videos available on the Scientology website at
They know her by her yellow T-shirt, her smile, and her help—Patience Freeman and her husband Bright lead the Scientology Volunteer Ministers Goodwill Tour through Western Africa.
Panic attacks used to leave Grant Gannon helpless. Thanks to Dianetics, now they are a thing of the past. His profile is one of more than 200 “Meet a Scientologist” videos available on the Scientology website at
Scientologist Churlya Wurfel is determined to make Scientology assist technology broadly available to those in need. Her profile is one of more than 200 “Meet a Scientologist” videos available on the Scientology website at
For Adriana Clarizio, disagreeing was the first step in changing things. Her profile is one of 200 “Meet a Scientologist” videos available on the Scientology website at
There was nothing particularly wrong with her life—but for Adriana Clarizio “not too bad” was not good enough.
Scientologist Natasha Lin of Pingtong, Taiwan, takes pleasure in training her staff and designing exactly the right hairstyle for her customers. Her profile is one of 200 “Meet a Scientologist” videos available on the Scientology website at
Scientologist Cindy Gainsforth neé Chu achieved her true potential through Scientology. Her video is one of 200 “Meet a Scientologist” videos available on the Scientology website at
Cindy Gainsforth knew she had some problems, but she had no idea how to remedy them.
“I graduated from high school as a barely passing student. I couldn’t get accepted into college. I had a lot of difficulty writing and speaking clearly,” she says.
With the birth of her first child, Scientologist Aubrey Page reflects on the way her own parents helped her choose a positive direction for her life. Her profile is one of more than 200 “Meet a Scientologist” videos available at
It is not always easy being a parent.
Scientologist Aubrey Page, a new mother, well remembers how she tried her own parents’ patience and put their parenting skills to the test when she was 16.
Trumpet player, singer and bandleader of the Jive Aces, the UK's No.1 Jive and Swing Band, often referred to as the Lads from London, Ian Clarkson has been a Scientologist for nearly two decades. His video is one of 200 “Meet a Scientologist” videos available on the Scientology website at
A beautiful Italian girl in the front row at a one of his concerts caught Ian Clarkson’s eye. And he soon learned something about her that was even more striking than her good looks.
Scientology helped Pedro Prado transform a life of anxiety to one of joy, love and personal pride. His profile is one of 200 “Meet a Scientologist” videos available on the Scientology website at
Eight years ago, Pedro Prado hit a crisis in his life, and the future looked bleak.
“I felt I didn’t have time for anything, and I was completely and constantly overwhelmed,” says Prado.
In his run across America to promote The Way to Happiness, Scientologist John Radich was bolstered all along the way by the beauty of the country and the new friends he made.
Just as the sun was setting on November 23, 2010, an elated if exhausted 56-year-old man with the wiry build of a long-distance runner dashed across the Atlantic City boardwalk, down the steps, and onto the sand.
John Fordham, a founding member of the Jive Aces, the UK's No. 1 jive and swing band, has been with the group since 1989 and is still going strong. The Jive Aces video is one of 200 “Meet a Scientologist” videos available on the Scientology website at
“What brought the Jive Aces together was the uplifting music and our passion for it,” says founding member John Fordham. “We did it because it was so much fun.”
For Fordham, music has been a lifelong affair.
Bob Caso wasn’t always as mellow as he is today, but Scientology helped him deal with his anger and increase his understanding and care for others. His video is one of 200 “Meet a Scientologist” videos available on the Scientology website at
Actor Bob Caso noticed something strange about a fellow performer in Las Vegas in 1995—that the fellow wasn’t strange.
Scientologist Anna Koska and three other mothers from the United Kingdom climbed the highest mountain in Africa to save lives.
Owen York and Tiffany Condon were married in a Scientology wedding ceremony. Based on fundamental Scientology principles, applying the wedding vows can ensure a happy and successful relationship. York’s video is one of 200 “Meet a Scientologist” videos available on the Scientology website at
What is important to Scientologist Stephen Blows is to help the people of his beloved Cape Town, South Africa. His video is one of 200 “Meet a Scientologist” videos available on the Scientology website at
Stephen Blows became a Scientologist when he realized Scientology would enable him to fulfill his purpose—to help others.
Kim Payne volunteers at the annual St. Petersburg Human Rights Walkathon to raise awareness of human rights abuses. Her video is one of 200 “Meet a Scientologist” videos available on the Scientology website at
Magaera Fagan is many things to many people, but most important to her—she’s a mother. Her video is one of 200 “Meet a Scientologist” videos available on the Scientology website at
If there were a contest to find the perfect son, Magaera Fagan is sure her son Jett would win.