Meet a Scientologist—Leslie Hull
Possessed of an inquisitive nature, attention to technical detail, and the will to carry through despite obstacles, Scientologist Leslie Hull has succeeded in an unusual field. She runs sales reps in countries around the world as vice president for sales and marketing in an engineering company that produces polyurethane components for heavy-duty trucks, trailers and buses.

Hull’s interest in the business came naturally—her father invented and patented the parts and established the company. But that didn’t give her an edge when she started out in sales.
“I couldn’t rely on family connections or the novelty of being a woman in a man’s field,” says Hull. “It’s a no-nonsense industry and if you are going to represent the product you have to know it cold. And I do.”
She began working for the company immediately after college at 22, and while she enjoyed the work, other aspects of her life were holding her back. Plagued by chronic headaches, she sought every possible medical remedy, submitted to tests and procedure, only to be told in the end that it was psychosomatic—a very disappointing conclusion. It was in that frame of mind that Hull came across a Dianetics infomercial on TV. She was intrigued.
“It said there was something you could do about psychosomatic illnesses. I ordered Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health, found out there was a Church of Scientology in St. Louis where I lived, and made an appointment to talk to someone there. I enrolled on the course they suggested and within several weeks I significantly increased my production at work—an added bonus I hadn’t expected,” she says.
Hull also enrolled on the Purification Rundown—a detoxification program that enables an individual to rid himself of the harmful effects of drugs, toxins and other chemicals that lodge in the body and create a biochemical barrier to spiritual well-being.
“In less than two weeks my headaches were completely gone,” she says.
Hull says she has gained knowledge that has enriched her life.
“Scientology has influenced my life in so many wonderful ways,” says Hull. “I have learned real-world tools that make me a better wife and mother. I can sit and talk with my husband or my son and truly communicate whatever needs to be communicated. We reach agreements and understandings without unnecessary upset. Do we still have ‘spirited’ debates? Of course! But we have respect for each other and each other's point of view, and at the end of the day, we resolve any issues and there's no residual upset. We really resolve them, and quickly.”
Hull is an active volunteer in the Church of Scientology anti-drug initiative, in a group she became involved with when her son Alex, now 12, was 8.
“I had never taken drugs, and I had no idea how to broach the subject with him. But I know kids are introduced to drugs at younger and younger ages,” says Hull. “I wanted to be able to talk to him without sounding like ‘a mom.’ I didn’t want to leave something so important up to chance or someone else.”
Alex understood the booklets and made his own firm decision not to take drugs. And he joined Hull in her volunteer work, distributing drug education materials in the community.
Hull and her family moved to Clearwater, Florida, in 2011, where she continues her career and her volunteer work in drug education.
From decades in the automotive industry, Hull is acutely aware of the stresses truck drivers experience. Knowing that this can lead to drug abuse, she has started a project to ensure Florida truck drivers receive quality drug education.
“Through Scientology I have realized I need to do my part to make the world a better place. Before Scientology, that would have been such a lofty idea and I wouldn't have thought that one individual could make that big a difference. Now, I absolutely know I can, and more importantly, it is my responsibility to do so.”
To meet other Scientologists and learn what they are doing in the community, visit the Scientology website at
The popular “Meet a Scientologist” profiles on the Church of Scientology International Video Channel at now total more than 200 broadcast-quality documentary videos featuring Scientologists from diverse locations and walks of life. The personal stories are told by Scientologists who are educators, teenagers, skydivers, a golf instructor, a hip-hop dancer, IT manager, stunt pilot, mothers, fathers, dentists, photographers, actors, musicians, fashion designers, engineers, students, business owners and more.
A digital pioneer and leader in the online religious community, in April 2008 the Church of Scientology became the first major religion to launch its own official YouTube Video Channel, with videos now viewed more than 7 million times.