KC Groups Ride Together for a Safer City
With homicides in 2022 in Kansas City passing the 2021 numbers this month, groups in Kansas City come together to ride for peace, promote unity and end the killing.
Motorcycles, cars, SUVs and Jeeps began arriving at Spring Valley Park July 10 at 1 p.m. to line up for Kansas City’s 7th United in Peace Ride. Following a prayer delivered by Pastor John “Modest” Miles of Morningstar Baptist Church, a line of 120 vehicles took off at 3:15 to ride through eastern Kansas City. Soul Brothers Motorcycle Club led the way, followed by members of Premier Corvette Club, Mind Yo Benzness Club, KC Jeep Squad, Mopar Street Heat KC, Force One MC, and individual riders. As they drove through the city, people came out to cheer them on and drivers honked in support.

Throughout the afternoon, from 1 to 6 p.m., the community gathered at Spring Valley Park to support the ride and enjoy the free entertainment, grilled hamburgers, hot dogs, and BBQ chicken.
Each Peace Ride event includes free booths for nonprofit groups to share information and assistance to the community, and distribution of The Way To Happiness, the common-sense moral code written by humanitarian and Scientology Founder L. Ron Hubbard.
Event MCs, Pastor Ron Birmingham, Avia DaGreat, and DJ Fresh, kept the entertainment rolling all afternoon with performances by local artists Broddy Alan, Devanna Fievre, Niko Sauve, Zee Underscore, Noye, Huncho Q, Big Al and Now Neese. The afternoon ended with a set by Tha Real Kodde One and his performance of “Hold Yo Head Up High,” the unofficial theme song of the KC Peace Rides.
Brother K-Love of One Love, presented peace awards to two local activists to acknowledge their contribution to the community—Teresa Perry of Share the Love House and Audra McLeod, leader of the Premier Corvette Club.
“Peace Rides are important because it’s about the community we live in, not black or white” said McLeod. “To have peace in the community you must care about your environment. Have a heart not only for your family but all families.”
Peace Ride supporters spoke of the importance of this movement. “We are here for one purpose only and that is to send a resounding message that we are tired of watching our loved ones being killed and we are tired of being one of the highest-rated cities for homicides,” said Pastor Birmingham. “We must all strive to be a part of the solution rather than the problem.”
The United in Peace Ride and community event was organized by the Church of Scientology of Kansas City and other local groups and organizations including United in KC, One Love and Nyla Bu baby products, with assistance from The CORE Syndicate, Old School All Schools, Mothers United, We Go Far 2, Happy Foods, Morning Star Baptist Church, the Key Coalition neighborhood association, and Councilman Brandon Ellington.
“We believe that by coming together and pushing for change we can bring Kansas Citians together in the name of peace,” said Bennette Seaman, spokesperson for the Church of Scientology of Kansas City. She announced that the next Peace Ride will take place in the fall.
United in Peace Foundation is a multifaith, multiethnic movement that unites diverse peoples to work together to bring peace. It uses The Way To Happiness to provide a step-by-step way for people to lead more moral, rewarding and happier lives. For more information on the original United in Peace rides that united rival gangs in Los Angeles in the name of peace, watch an episode of Voices for Humanity on the Scientology Network.
To join the movement, contact Bennette Seaman or Emma Ashton at the Church of Scientology at 1805 Grand Blvd. in Kansas City, (816) 753-6590 or via email bennette.seaman@scientology.net.
The Scientology religion was founded by author and philosopher L. Ron Hubbard. The first Church of Scientology was formed in Los Angeles in 1954 and the religion has expanded to more than 11,000 Churches, Missions and affiliated groups, with millions of members in 167 countries.
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