Drug-Free World Seattle Empowers School Counselors to Help Kids
Volunteers reached out to school counselors with Truth About Drugs educational materials.
Volunteers with the Seattle chapter of the Foundation for a Drug-Free World provided more than 7,000 Truth About Drugs booklets and an array of other educational materials to professional school counselors, counselor educators and graduate students who attended the recent Washington School Counselor Association’s annual conference.

Those attending found the materials to be a perfect fit with the theme of the conference,“The Power of One: Empowering students one counselor at a time.”
“The materials are very student-friendly,” said a health teacher who has been using the program in middle school. “My students were much more receptive to these booklets than to the textbook.”
The Foundation believes budget cuts should not be permitted to put youth at risk of becoming addicts, with effective drug education such a reliable deterrent. The volunteers distributed educational booklets on the truth about marijuana, heroin, crack cocaine, synthetic marijuana and other frequently abused drugs, and educator packages containing the program’s simple classroom curriculum.
The Foundation for a Drug-Free World is a nonprofit public benefit corporation dedicated to providing factual information about drugs, including a series of 16 award-winning public service announcements on the dangers of drug use.
The Seattle chapter is coordinated by the public affairs director of the Church of Scientology Seattle. Internationally, Drug-Free World volunteers have reached hundreds of millions of people with factual information about drugs through individual distribution of Truth About Drugs booklets, mailings and televised educational videos and films, and through its online resource center at www.drugfreeworld.org.
There have been almost half a million visits to the Foundation for a Drug-Free World website and more than 1.5 million pages viewed every week since the start of 2017. Educators, counselors and drug prevention and addiction professionals place more than 1,000 orders each week for Truth About Drugs materials, including requests for full Educator Packages to implement the curriculum with at-risk youth, teenagers in community groups, and students in classrooms. Each request is fulfilled by the Foundation free of charge, made possible by the support of Scientologists and the Church of Scientology.
The Washington School Counselor Association, the state division of the American School Counselor Association, represents professional school counselors who work in both public and private schools.
The Scientology religion was founded by author and philosopher L. Ron Hubbard. The first Church of Scientology was formed in Los Angeles in 1954 and the religion has expanded to more than 11,000 Churches, Missions and affiliated groups, with millions of members in 167 countries.
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