Church of Scientology Los Angeles Launches the Holiday Season with a Turkey Giveaway
Making Thanksgiving special for underserved families
To help bring the joy of the season to life, the Church of Scientology is holding a Thanksgiving turkey giveaway again this year. It takes place Sunday, November 19 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. in what has become a tradition over the past few years.

While the turkeys will be first come first serve until supplies run out, the Church will also be serving hot chocolate and apple cider. And the turkey giveaway does not replace the Volunteer Ministers’ weekly food drive, which will take place as usual, Saturday, November 18, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Anyone needing access to regular and nutritious food is welcome to come for a box or bag of groceries at no cost.
Beginning with the turkey giveaway on Sunday, a professional photographer will be manning a booth all day to take free portrait shots to share with family and friends this holiday season.
Then at 3:30 p.m., the Holiday Lights family fun day begins, with complimentary hot cocoa, cookie decorating, live music, an ice-skating rink for the kids, music and fun for the entire family.
Rumor has it Santa will be arriving to help city officials and nonprofits transform the East Hollywood neighborhood by flipping the switch, illuminating nearly 300,000 holiday lights. Santa will stay to the end of the celebration at 8 p.m. for photographs with the children.
The Church of Scientology Los Angeles is committed to serving as a home for the community to gather throughout the year for safe and family-oriented activities. An Ideal Scientology Church, it is configured to serve Scientologists in their ascent to spiritual freedom and as a home for the entire community.
To learn more, visit the Church of Scientology Los Angeles at 4810 Sunset Blvd. any day of the year from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m., visit the Church of Scientology Los Angeles website or watch Inside a Church of Scientology on the Scientology Network available on DIRECTV Channel 320, DIRECTV STREAM, AT&T U-verse and streaming at, on mobile apps and via the Roku, Amazon Fire and Apple TV platforms.
The Scientology religion was founded by author and philosopher L. Ron Hubbard. The first Church of Scientology was formed in Los Angeles in 1954 and the religion has expanded to more than 11,000 Churches, Missions and affiliated groups, with millions of members in 167 countries.
Church of Scientology Media Relations
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