Celebrating America’s Freedom With a Drug-Free Message
Helping Mountainair, New Mexico, combat drug abuse and addiction
Folks in Mountainair, New Mexico, gathered in the town center for the annual Firecracker Jubilee Independence Day event. A parade, antique cars, floats, live music and fireworks were all part of this classic, hometown American celebration of freedom.

Volunteers from the Church of Scientology Albuquerque and the local chapter of Foundation for a Drug-Free World brought another message of freedom to the celebration—freedom from the scourge of drug abuse, drug trafficking and drug addiction affecting the state.
The New Mexico Department of Health’s Indicator-Based Information System (NM-IBIS) reports that for the past two decades, New Mexico’s drug overdose death rate has been among the highest the nation, more than tripling since 1990. While deaths due to illicit drugs have remained steady for the past decade, deaths due to prescription drugs, particularly opioid pain relievers, have increased dramatically. In addition to high death rates, prescription opioid abuse, dependence, and misuse cost New Mexico $890 million in a single year.
“Education is key to getting ahead of this deadly curve,” said the local coordinator for Foundation for a Drug-Free World.
According to the UN Office on Drugs and Crime, every dollar spent on drug prevention can save up to ten dollars in futures costs.
The Truth About Drugs series of booklets give readers the facts about drugs including their short and long-term effects, what they are made of and what users themselves experience. The booklets cover alcohol marijuana, crystal meth, heroin, cocaine, LSD, Ritalin, painkillers, prescription drugs, synthetic drugs, crack and ecstasy. There is also the award-winning The Truth About Drugs: Real People, Real Stories documentary.
The Foundation’s drug education kit with curriculum and free online courses are also available free of charge on the Drug-Free World website.
The Drug-Free Pledge and all 14 Truth About Drugs booklets can be downloaded for use by teachers, families youth groups and community organizations.
Foundation for a Drug-Free World is a nonprofit public benefit corporation that empowers youth and adults with factual information about drugs so they can make informed decisions to live drug-free.
Drug-Free World partners with civic and nongovernmental organizations including more than 1,200 police departments in the United States. Through its worldwide network of volunteers and partnerships, it has distributed more than 80 million copies of The Truth About Drugs booklets since these were first published in 2006.
After extensive social research, author, humanitarian and Scientology Founder L. Ron Hubbard called drugs “the single most destructive element present in our current culture.” The Truth About Drugs is one of the worldwide humanitarian programs supported by the Church of Scientology.
For more information, visit the Drug-Free World website or Scientology website.
The Scientology religion was founded by author and philosopher L. Ron Hubbard. The first Church of Scientology was formed in Los Angeles in 1954 and the religion has expanded to more than 11,000 Churches, Missions and affiliated groups, with millions of members in 167 countries.
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