Bringing Great Education Home
A new brochure released by the Church of Scientology features the Applied Scholastics Online Academy, a fully independent, nondenominational organization that is revolutionizing homeschooling

According to the most recent survey by National Household Education Survey Program (NHES), some 1.5 million American students were homeschooled in 2007, a 36 percent increase since the previous study in 2003. The Applied Scholastics Online Academy provides home-schooling curricula, customized educational programs, guidance and materials that help those who learn at home.
The Applied Scholastics Online Academy incorporates the basics of Study Technology developed by author, humanitarian and Scientology Founder L. Ron Hubbard. Students learn to recognize and handle any barrier to their own learning. This gives them a solid base of skills with which to learn any subject, as it deals with the fundamentals of learning how to learn itself.
The biggest challenge most parents face when they decide to home-school is selecting the materials to use. The majority use an eclectic approach, choosing from a variety of resources. And this is exactly where Study Technology fits in, as no matter what subject a child is trying to learn, this practical, down-to-earth technology teaches them how to study it. By knowing and using this technology, students not only learn faster but they retain and can use the information long after they have gone on to study other things.
The Applied Scholastics Online Academy is licensed by Applied Scholastics International to deliver home school instruction for preschool through high school. Students graduate knowing how to learn, research and evaluate data. The program also offers an Adult Diploma Service making it possible for those who have not graduated from high school or earned a GED to receive credit for any earlier education and life experience. Students who graduate through Applied Scholastics Online earn a prestigious diploma that is accepted at Universities and Colleges around the world such as Oxford, Cambridge, Harvard and Stanford.
Applied Scholastics International is supported by the Church of Scientology and by Scientologists who are dedicated to raising educational standards throughout the world.
The Church of Scientology has published a new brochure Scientology: How We Help—Applied Scholastics, Achieving Literacy and Education, one of a series of publications presented to meet requests for more information about the Scientology religion and its support of global humanitarian initiatives and social betterment programs. For more information, visit the Scientology website at
Applied Scholastics International is a secular nonprofit public benefit corporation that addresses head-on the problem of illiteracy by making L. Ron Hubbard’s discoveries in the field of education and literacy broadly available. It has trained nearly 140,000 educators and has helped more than 39 million with Study Technology. The organization works with hundreds of affiliated schools and educational programs throughout the world, providing the effective learning tools developed by L. Ron Hubbard.