Booklet an Agent of Peace in Troubled Times
The Church of Scientology has published a new brochure that describes the power of The Way to Happiness in reconciling differences and bringing peace.

A new brochure published by the Church of Scientology relates instances where the book The Way to Happiness has helped restore calm in times of conflict and crisis.
The 21 precepts of The Way to Happiness, by author, humanitarian and Scientology Founder L. Ron Hubbard, form a common-sense moral code. Because it is entirely nonreligious, this code can be embraced by anyone of any race, culture or creed. It can even form a point of agreement between those whose opposing ideologies seem irreconcilable.
For this reason, the universal concepts of The Way to Happiness have a calming influence under the most trying circumstances, such as those in play in Thailand when the streets of Bangkok, filled with opposing yellow and red shirt factions, were about to erupt into violence.
Tensions between opposing sides seemed to abate in direct ratio to the number of copies of The Way to Happiness in circulation. Volunteers conducted Way to Happiness lectures for 10,000 people, distributed 150,000 booklets including 22,000 copies to troops of the Royal Thai Army, and placed The Way to Happiness public service announcements on television where they were viewed by many thousands more.
In just one year, The Way to Happiness message reached 13 million citizens of Thailand. And calm prevailed.
The Church of Scientology and its members are proud to share the tools for happier living contained in The Way to Happiness with all who work to build the goal of a better world.
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Scientology: How We Help—The Way to Happiness, Creating a World of Honesty, Trust & Self-Respect is one of a series of brochures presented by the Church of Scientology International to meet requests for more information about the Scientology religion and its support of global humanitarian initiatives and social betterment programs.