Scientology Volunteer Ministers Bring Help to Indigenous Peoples of South America’s Amazon Region
The Volunteer Ministers Goodwill Tour has been a valued partner to communities along the Amazon River Basin since 2007. Completing its mission in Leticia, Colombia, in May, the tour moves next to Iranduba, Brazil.
The Scientology Volunteer Ministers Goodwill Tour has bid farewell to their friends in Leticia, Colombia, and crossed over into Brazil to continue bringing help to the indigenous people who live along the Amazon.

While in Leticia—which has been a stop on the tour since 2007—the members lent valued assistance to more than a thousand people, trained in excess of 700, and formed four Volunteer Ministers groups to continue helping others in the region when the tour moved on.
They were welcomed in Colombia by the Yaguas people who arranged for the tour to set up its yellow tent next to the Maloca—their ancestral community long house.
Dancers performed and the religious leader cut a ribbon, dedicated the tent, and opened it to the community. Several leaders spoke of the positive change they had already noted from the Volunteer Ministers’ work.
Now in Iranduba, Brazil, the team continues its work, traveling to remote villages, discovering what community leaders need and want, training local volunteers and holding seminars and providing one-on-one help to fulfill these needs.
The motto of the Scientology Volunteer Ministers is “Something can be done about it,” and Volunteer Ministers live by that motto by providing help in their communities, in disaster zones, and through Volunteer Ministers Cavalcades and Goodwill Tours. They live up to their motto because of the Scientology Handbook, which contains simple and basic technology that anyone can learn and use to resolve their difficulties.
Volunteer Ministers Goodwill Tours, such as the Amazon Goodwill Tour, deliver free seminars, courses and one-on-one help, train others to continue these services, and move on to the next town or village in need of help.
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