A Simple Answer for Those Who Suffer From Unwanted Emotions or a Sense of Isolation During the Pandemic
Personal stories offer hope that Dianetics techniques can help.
A recent study indicates a 25 percent increase in Americans experiencing anxiety or depression since the COVID-19 pandemic began. And drug overdose deaths are on the rise. Is there a way to deal with this when the very social restrictions to contain the pandemic may be contributing to these devastating statistics?

One man’s experience shows that although his loss was overwhelming, the answer was simple. For Dave,* it was a recent event that triggered his despondency. He had just lost his wife to cancer.
“I went from ‘I want to die’ to seeing the beauty of my wife and cherishing the moments with her.”
He described the relief he experienced through Dianetics.
“I began to relive all the things that happened, from when we first met to each moment of her illness getting worse and worse. I went from ‘I want to die’ to seeing the beauty of my wife and cherishing the moments with her.” In the end, all that was precious about their time together was still there but the pain was gone. “It is no longer an event to cry about. My changes may seem unbelievable, but I can tell you that Dianetics auditing works.”
Auditing, which comes from the Latin word audire, means “to listen.” A Dianetics auditor (meaning one who listens) guides another person through incidents of pain and painful emotion using simple steps described in the book Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health by L. Ron Hubbard.
For Mike, the trigger was something that happened in his teens. “My best friend was becoming more than a friend,” he says. “I had the green light to start a relationship, but I didn’t. My friend moved to another town. A year later, for whatever reason, she took her life. The pain was unbearable. I blamed myself—if only I’d been there.
He turned to drugs to dull the pain but it never went away. “The regret stayed with me all my life.”

Mike describes what happened when he addressed this in a Dianetics session. “At first I cried like a baby,” he says. “Then at last I could let it go. I’d been holding on to this for 29 years. With each Dianetics session, I came to realize how many things had been holding me back. Now I can live life like I want to and I’m winning.”
Joanne’s problems also went back to her teen years where she lived in “a violent environment, surrounded by gangs, drugs and negativity. I was depressed and angry and I was not fulfilling my potential.”
Using Dianetics, she says, helped her learn “things that would never have crossed my mind before. I have realized many things about myself by finding the root of the problem and facing it, instead of holding onto it or acting as if it wasn’t there.”
This has resulted in more than the peace of mind she sought.
“I now have the motivation to make new opportunities for myself and I have the confidence to do it,” she says.
Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health was designed as a handbook for anyone to pick up and use. To make it even easier to get going, Scientology ecclesiastical leader Mr. David Miscavige saw to the production of How to Use Dianetics, a series of films providing a concept-by-concept presentation of the book. These films constitute a visual guide to the human mind. Containing all the discoveries and procedures laid out step-by-step for total understanding, they make it simple to team up with someone and help each other with Dianetics.
Both Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health and the How to Use Dianetics films are available in 50 languages.
Production and translation of these materials, along with all Dianetics and Scientology Basics books and lectures, was a project personally overseen by Mr. Miscavige.
Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health was originally published on May 9, 1950. More than 50,000 copies sold immediately and the book soared onto the New York Times bestseller list, where it remained for 26 consecutive weeks. With over 250 million copies of his works in circulation, L. Ron Hubbard has inspired a movement millions strong, spanning six continents.
*actual names changed due to the personal nature of the stories
The Scientology religion was founded by author and philosopher L. Ron Hubbard. The first Church of Scientology was formed in Los Angeles in 1954 and the religion has expanded to more than 11,000 Churches, Missions and affiliated groups, with millions of members in 167 countries.
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