Volunteers from the St. Petersburg Scientology religious group distribute drug education booklets to conquer drug abuse on Victory Day
“Victory Day” is celebrated throughout Russia on May 9 to commemorate the end of World War II. Scientologists from the St. Petersburg Scientology religious group spent the entire week promoting victory of a different kind and one that is sorely needed—victory over drug abuse.
Volunteers from the Church of Scientology Mission of Prague conduct character education lectures based on The Way to Happiness.
More than 100 young men and women attending a business academy and language school in the West Bohemia city of Karlovy Vary in the Czech Republic are learning what may be the very "secret" to happiness through lectures on The Way to Happiness, a nonreligious moral code based entirely on common sense.
For the past five years, Youth for Human Rights, supported by the Scientology Churches of the Tampa Bay area, has been one of the sponsors of the Sunscreen Film Festival. Industry professionals see film as the best medium to promote human rights.
The annual international convention of a program featured in a new Scientology brochure focused on simple solutions to raise the quality of education.
Volunteers from the Church of Scientology of Hamburg distributed thousands of copies of The Way to Happiness at the 2013 Hamburg Marathon.
More than 10,000 finished the Hamburg Marathon April 21. Following a minute of silence in honor of the Boston Marathon, which took place exactly one week earlier, runners exploded past the starting line and kept up the pace for the 42.2 km (26.2 mile) route, bringing home a course record of 2:05:30 hours by Kenyan Eliud Kipchoge.
Church of Scientology of Sacramento introduces Sacramento religious leaders to the Truth About Drugs education program to help decrease fatalities and serious traffic accidents caused by drug abuse.
To counter pro-drug propaganda, the International Faith Based Coalition (IFBC) called on religious leaders to speak out at a rally held to draw attention to the deadly consequences of driving under the influence of cannabis, alcohol and other drugs.
A human rights conference at the Moscow Church of Scientology March 26 introduced educators to the human rights educational resources of Youth for Human Rights.
The Moscow Church of Scientology opened its doors March 26 for a special Youth for Human Rights conference to provide Moscow educators with tools to teach the Universal Declaration of Human Rights to their students.
Delegates from 13 nations heard remarkable stories of social change in the wake of the distribution of a simple booklet featured in a new brochure by the Church of Scientology.
More than 80 delegates representing 13 nations convened April 26-28 for the second annual convention and awards banquet of The Way to Happiness Foundation in Glendale, California.
Overcoming the barriers to study was the focus of an open house and conference April 23, 2013, at the Brussels Branch of the Churches of Scientology of Europe.
Civic, religious and community leaders met at the Church of Scientology National Affairs Office April 5 to celebrate Youth for Human Rights Day. April 5 is Youth for Human Rights Day and no better place to commemorate the occasion than at the Church of Scientology National Affairs Office in Washington, D.C. The Office was opened in September 2012 at Fraser Mansion in D.C.’s Dupont Circle to facilitate implementation of the Church of Scientology-supported humanitarian and social betterment programs both nationally and internationally.
Honor students learn how The Way to Happiness has been used to uplift communities and reduce crime.
A group of 77 students were guests at a special open house and seminar at the Church of Scientology of Inglewood, California, March 12, 2013.
The students are enrolled in a sociology class at City Honors Preparatory High School, a charter school in Inglewood, and the seminar was designed to enhance their studies. It provided an overview of The Way to Happiness, a nonreligious moral code based entirely on common sense.
In commemoration of the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, volunteers from the St. Petersburg Scientology religious group carried out a week of human rights awareness activities.
St. Petersburg Scientologists carried out a week of human rights activities to raise awareness of human rights and show support for those who are ostracized and discriminated against through racism and xenophobia.
On Saturday, May 11, the Church of Scientology Portland celebrated the grand opening of their new home in the city’s historic downtown quarter. More than 2,500 Scientologists and guests joined city and state dignitaries for the dedication ceremony.
Members of the Church of Scientology support MAD DADS in its work to reclaim the neighborhoods of Minneapolis.
MAD DADS—Men Against Destruction, Defending Against Drugs and Social Disorder—has added a new weapon in the fight against crime, drugs and violence on the streets of Minneapolis: The Way to Happiness, a common sense guide to better living.
The Association for Human Rights and Tolerance and the Church of Scientology of Milan opened the third UNITED for Africa school in Ghana April 13, 2013.
Imagine the children of an entire village celebrating because they have a school to attend. Those who live in the remote western Ghana village of Asukese call this the “Magic School” because its dedication on April 13, 2013, seemed impossible—there has never been a school in this village before and no opportunity for village children to gain an education.
Just returned to Los Angeles from Spanish Lake, Missouri, from the annual conference of Applied Scholastics International April 4 - 6, Bernard Percy has been involved for the past four decades in the movement described in a new brochure published by the Church of Scientology.
Staff of the Church of Scientology National Affairs Office shared the “secret” of happiness with members of the Indonesian community in Washington, D.C.
Head of the Consular Division for the Indonesian Embassy to the United States in Washington, D.C., hosted a seminar April 6 on The Way to Happiness—the nonreligious moral code based entirely on common sense. The workshop, conducted by Church of Scientology National Affairs Office staff, was held at the embassy and attended by Indonesians living in the D.C. area.
Volunteers from the Church of Scientology of Toronto introduced visitors to a unique human rights education program at the York Regional Police 11th annual commemoration of International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination.
The Toronto chapter of Youth for Human Rights International actively supported the York Regional Police 11th annual commemoration of International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination April 7.
Volunteers from the Churches of Scientology of the Tampa Bay Area spent World Health Day April 7 helping local residents make healthy choices by providing the truth about drugs.
Members of the Churches of Scientology in the Tampa Bay area marked World Health Day April 7 by taking action against drug abuse—a health issue that has become an epidemic.
To halt the decline of educational standards, the Church of Scientology has published a new brochure, Scientology: How We Help—Applied Scholastics, Achieving Literacy and Education.
There is little doubt that American schools are failing in their duty to provide adequate education to our nation’s youth.