5 Tips to Help You Be Happier for World Happiness Day
True joy and happiness are valuable. But is there anything you can do to increase your chances of achieving it?
Each year, the United Nations celebrates International Day of Happiness in recognition of the importance of happiness in the lives of people around the world. Few would challenge the importance of this oft-elusive state of mind.
But is there a surefire way to achieve it? Scientology Churches across the globe say there is. And they share the secret on International Day of Happiness and throughout the year.
They do so by sponsoring chapters of The Way to Happiness Foundation and by reaching out to their communities with the booklet by the same name. They and millions of every faith, culture and creed say The Way to Happiness, a simple booklet written by author, humanitarian and Scientology Founder L. Ron Hubbard, holds the key.

So here are five tips for anyone wishing to be happier or to help friends or families be so:
- Watch The Way to Happiness public service announcements, available in 17 languages on the Scientology Network on DIRECTV Channel 320, DIRECTV STREAM and AT&T U-verse or streaming at Scientology.tv, on mobile apps and via the Roku, Amazon Fire and Apple TV platforms.
- Stay on the network and watch The Way to Happiness book on film.
- Log onto the free online The Way to Happiness course at www.thewaytohappiness.org/course, enroll and do the lessons (they are easy and fun to do).
- Pick a precept you now think could benefit you or someone you love, work out what you will do to implement it, and do so. And try this with another. And another.
- Now think of someone whose happiness is important to you and encourage them to implement these same five tips.
Immensely popular since its first publication, The Way to Happiness has been embraced by more than 250,000 groups and individuals, with some 115 million copies distributed in 115 languages in 186 nations. It holds the Guinness World Record as the single most-translated nonreligious book and fills the moral vacuum in an increasingly materialistic society.
In addition to its personal benefits, the booklet’s common-sense values bring calm to communities torn by violence, peace to areas ravaged by civil strife, and self-respect to millions of individuals. The work of humanitarians using The Way to Happiness in their communities and countries is documented in the original series Voices for Humanity on the Scientology Network. These episodes are featured in today’s programming in honor of International Day of Happiness.
Since launching with a special episode featuring Scientology ecclesiastical leader Mr. David Miscavige, Scientology Network has been viewed in 240 countries and territories worldwide in 17 languages.
The Scientology religion was founded by author and philosopher L. Ron Hubbard. The first Church of Scientology was formed in Los Angeles in 1954 and the religion has expanded to more than 11,000 Churches, Missions and affiliated groups, with millions of members in 167 countries.
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