15th Human Rights Summit to be Held in July
Human rights advocates 18 to 29 are invited to apply to represent their countries as Youth Delegates to the annual Youth for Human Rights summit July 5–7 in New York.
Youth for Human Rights International announces enrollment is now open for the 15th annual International Human Rights Summit. The event is organized in collaboration with leading NGOs and permanent missions to the United Nations and will take place at the United Nations.

The 2018 Summit will commemorate the 70th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) and its historic impact on the world.
Tragically, seven decades after its adoption by the UN, more than 40 million people are held in slavery, others are tortured or persecuted for their religious or political beliefs, and millions are forced to flee their homes. Youth for Human Rights International was founded on the principle that human rights can be made a reality by broadscale education on the 30 articles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
Over the past 15 years, the Summit has served as a platform where youth collaborate to make human rights a global reality. They attend workshops, meet with officials, and establish international partnerships and friendships with delegates who share their commitment to the 30 articles of the UDHR.
Youth Delegates are selected based on their work to improve the state of human rights by raising awareness and understanding of the UDHR. They have demonstrated their commitment to resolving conflicts, fostering gender equality and ending human trafficking and other pressing abuses.
They will be joined by officials and activists from across the world who are committed to equality, justice and human rights.
The Summit will feature the Human Rights Hero Awards, acknowledging those whose courage and determination has raised the bar on human rights in their respective communities and nations.
The opening session on July 5 will feature briefings from high-level diplomats and officials and presentations by Youth Delegates on their advocacy work and accomplishments. The second day will consist of additional Youth Delegate presentations, panel discussions on key human rights issues, and workshops where youth will learn important skills to help them forward their campaigns.
Day three is a multicultural human rights celebration hosted by the Scientology Community Center of Harlem.
Throughout the Summit, those attending will network, coordinate, exchange information, and formulate plans for accomplishing their purposes.
Youth for Human Rights International (YHRI) is a nonprofit organization founded in 2001 with the purpose to inspire youth to become advocates for peace and equality through education on the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights. With over 150 chapters and its educational materials translated into 27 languages, YHRI brings the message of human rights to 195 nations.
Those 18 to 29 who would like to represent their country at this year's Summit as a Youth Delegate, or who have previously done so and would like to return as a Youth Ambassador, may register online. Click on this link to the registration page. Applications close Friday, June 8.
General attendees may also register online. They will be contacted to confirm, so it is important to give accurate contact details. The Summit is free of charge. Attendees are responsible for their own meals, lodging, transportation and incidental expenses. General registration closes Friday, June 22 at 5 p.m. EDT.
The Scientology religion was founded by author and philosopher L. Ron Hubbard. The first Church of Scientology was formed in Los Angeles in 1954 and the religion has expanded to more than 11,000 Churches, Missions and affiliated groups, with millions of members in 167 countries.
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